MEXICO. 660, MÉXICO, XEAR, La Mexicana, Tampico, Tamualipas. 1101-
1110 September 17, 2010. Tune-in to male, "La Mexicana, 6-60... el
pueblo mexicano..." Another XE, far weaker with the required 1100
(currently) national anthem underneath.
700, MÉXICO, unidentifieds. *1107 September 17, 2010. Weak in the mix
of other stations with choral anthem. On September 19, XE anthems at
1100 at 1107.
720, XEAVR, Radio Fórmula, Veracruz. 1104-1125 September 21, 2010.
Likely the one with fast-paced Spanish female studio newscaster and
lots of remote reporter call-ins. Time check for "Centro de México."
Excellent, though yet another presumed Mexican was very weak with
rancheras underneath. Checking for Radio Católica, Managua on
grayline, but no joy.
1000, MÉXICO, XEOY, Radio Mil, México DF. 1132 September 17, 2010.
Fair in passing, parallel 6010.
1060, MÉXICO, XEEP, Radio Educación, México DF. 1134 September 17,
2010. Fair with female ID, classical music. Mixing with a Cuban. No
trace of 6185 (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, USA, 27.55.83 N,
82.46.08 W, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. Estimado Sr. Hauser, le envío en esta ocasión comentario e
información diversa: XEEP, Radio Educación ha sido escuchada estos dos
sábados en ausencia de RNA por los 6185 kHz, este sábado 18 de
septiembre a las 2340 UT con música ranchera de Jorge Negrete, a las
0000 con identificación de la emisorra y la serie documental "Negro"
que habla de cultura afro en el continente americano y a las 0030 con
otro bloque de música ranchera (al igual que el sábado anterior). La
recepción, aquí en Mérida, me ha sido mejor media hora antes y después
de ocultarse el sol. Envío el archivo de audio:
(Ing. Civ Israel González Ahumada, M.I., Sept 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
After several years of causing co-channel interference to the San
Diego fringe area listeners of KPFK, Sr. Víctor Díaz kindly agreed to
change frequencies to allow KPFK to recapture its former audience on
90.7 MHz. That change was recently accomplished. Nevertheless, many of
us wondered how long 90.7 MHz would remain dark in Tijuana before some
other enterprising operator jumped on that frequency.
Wait no longer. A few weeks ago, 90.7 was reactivated. According to
the FCC's FM Query database, the new transmitter is located at 32-28-
28N, 116-53-56W and that puts it on Cerro Colorado Mountain about 8
miles ESE of XETV's giant tower in Tijuana. The new operator of 90.7
appears to be La Mejor ("The Better" [sic; make that The Best One ---
gh] in English).
According to SignOn San Diego, "Broadcast Company of the Americas,
which operates Padres flagship XX Sports Radio AM 1090" (and a number
of other Tijuana area radio stations), "has ousted its chief executive
and longtime San Diego radio station entrepreneur John Lynch." This
story is at the first URL.
The second URL tells us something about Mr. Lawrence Patrick who is
replacing Mr. Lynch -- at least on an interim basis. Larry Patrick's
bio is at the second URL:
(both: CGC Communicator Sept 20 via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD)
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