MEXICO. 6045, looking for reactivated XEXQ at 0550 April 30: there are two very weak carriers on slightly different frequencies, and we know SLP is axually on 6044.93 or so. At 1218 audible with classical music but too much T-storm and line noise. Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla says they finally got needed replacement part from the transmitter manufacturer in Chile (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Como lo informó ayer el colega Glenn Hauser, se ha reactivado la frecuencia XEXQ de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México en los 6045 kHz.En amable conversación telefónica con el Ing. Francisco Moreno Cuéllar, encargado técnico de la Radio de la UASLP, me informó que el retraso se debió a la espera y búsqueda del material necesario para corregir la falla que tenía el transmisor, el cual es relativamente nuevo, de fabricación chileno-estadounidense. Finalmente no fué esta compañía quien hizo llegar las piezas, sino la estadounidense "Newark Electronics" con representación en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Desde el miércoles 28 de abril se reactivó la frecuencia.
El transmisor sale con una potencia de 450 vatios, utilizando una antena en "V" de 12 m. por lado y una altura de 6, con orientación Norte-Sur, ubicada en la planta transmisora de la UASLP denominada "Fresnos" en la Ciudad de San Luis Potosí.El horario de trasmisión es de las 07:00 a las 23:00 hrs. del Centro de México (1200-0400 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1200-0400 end_of_the_skype_highlighting UT) de lunes a domingo, con un contenido eminentemente cultural e informativo.
Es por tanto, una gran noticia que una emisora de tal calidad programática vuelva a la onda corta. La he podido escuchar con un SINPO general de 4 en el centro-sur de la Ciudad de México. Cualquier información al respecto es bien recibida por el Ing. Moreno a : fjmcuellar @ Saludos y buenas escuchas, (Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla, DF, 2343 UT April 30, WORLD OF RADIO 1511, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
6045, XEXQ, SLP, Sunday May 2: tune-in 1202, carrier is on, but no modulation until 1211 with choral NA, 1213 right into Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1 by Elgar, which they play in its 6.5 minute entirety every morning to begin the day. No announcements at all yet until it`s over at 1219.6, sign-on mentioning 5,000 watts which is the MW 1190 power, 1220 timecheck, 1222.5 another TC and into a waltz. Signal was barely audible vs noise level.Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla, DF, has been in further contact with XEXQ. He says it was reactivated April 28; the replacement part did not come from Chile but from Newark Electronix in Guadalajara, power is 450 watts to a V antenna 12 meters on a side at a height of 6 meters, oriented north/south (so apparently we are in a good spot for maximum signal), and the summer schedule is 1200-0400 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1200-0400 end_of_the_skype_highlighting UT daily (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1511, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
6045-, XEXQ got started a bit earlier Monday morning May 3, tune in at 1208 and already in sign-on announcement mentioning 1190 with 5 kW; and also ``--45`` but could not catch power announced; I`ll bet it was not the true figure of 450 vatios. Seemingly live YL DJ kept talking until classical music started at 1215; barely audible.BTW, note that other Mexican AM+SW stations have distinct callsigns: XEEP/XEPPM, XEOY/XEOI, XEMQ/XEQM, XEUN/XEYU, etc., but not this one. I have however seen it listed somewhere as XEXQOC, so possibly its true SW call axually has six letters which is possible in Mexico; or -OC considered a suffix like -FM, or -TV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Efectivamente Glenn, no he podido aclarar el por qué Radio "Universidad" de San Luis Potosí tiene el mismo indicativo nominal tanto para la onda media como para la corta: XEXQComo lo mencionas, todas las demás tienen diferentes indicativos nominales de cuatro o cinco letras, ej..: XEOY Radio Mil onda media y XEOI Radio Mil onda corta. Definitivamente las letras "oc" son puestas para referir a la "onda corta" pero no creo que sea el indicativo nominal como tal: XEXQOCEspero encontrar la respuesta, saludos (Julián Santiago, DF, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
6045, May 4 at 0526, SAH of about 4 Hz, and very weak signals, one of which sounded like a classical song. Also a low audible het. I suspect XEXQ is leaving the transmitter on beyond nominal 0400*. Did not check next morning until 1230 when classical music was JBA but XEXQ for sure.6045, XEXQ, May 5 at 1206 tune-in with sign-on so I must have missed Pomp & Circumstance; kept talking until classical music started at 1215. Thought I heard ``Seguro Social`` mentioned, perhaps government PSAs. Poor signal as usual, but OK for 450 watts.6045, XEXQ-OC, tune-in at 1206 May 6, already in opening talk segment, 1212 starting classical music, but outfading. Very weak as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)** MEXICO. 6104.8, XEQM, May 3 at 0554, with romantic music, good peaks but deep fades until *0559.6 became only a het against BBC French via Ascension opening with 5+1 timesignal
Fuente: (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
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